Sunday, November 20, 2011

WINGNUT WATCH: Andrew Breitbart Gets Colonial Blowjob; Little Jimmy O'Keefe His Comeuppance ...

At the risk of inspiring yet another of Rachel's dubious "art project" discoveries, Andrew Breitbart's "acting" debut featuring an "accidental blowjob" is so dreadful that we couldn't have produced a better "Tea Party" mockery if we tried. Look for a coming episode in the Koch Brothers slave quarters of an envelope-pushing TRIcornerHatSOME involving a drunk Andrew Breitbart, a lecherous Grover Norquist and their favorite boy-toy, James (I still lives with my parents in Jersey) O'Keefe. Called Courage, New Hampshire (Vote For Ron Paul), this vanity Tea Party production will get its first screening at a Monrovia, CA movie theater, hosted by gay-bashing Islamophobe idiot Victoria Jackson, best described in a favorite blog as the "has-been-who-never-really was."
"Since the sound of grown men weeping tends to arouse Breitbart, he then rips off his knickerbockers and receives a blowjob from a man in a tricorner hat. (1:00 in video.) The High Sheriff is subsequently entangled in a gay sex scandal involving a bulletin board in the center of town called Ye Olde Grindour, and lithographed images of his genitals. Surprisingly progressive show."
Considering his abject failure at landing a job which will get him out of his parents' home and keep him out of jail, Little Jimmy O'Keefe is now being sued by his own jackals-in-crime as the gang who couldn't shoot, much less point a camera, straight. And with his penchant for wearing provocative outfits, like Scottish kilts (typically worn with no underwear) and fuck-me-I'm-a-whitey-pretend pimp hand-me-downs, it stands to reason Little Jimmy would be in high demand in the sexually repressed male bastions of Rightwingville:

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