Friday, November 09, 2012
President Obama Gets Emotional Addressing Staff
THIS REMARKABLE VIDEO GIVES US A RARE GLIMPSE AT WHAT MAKES President Obama tick. All we can say, Mr. President, is that those of us who voted for you are just as proud of you; for we could always see in you, not "platitudes" claimed by the cynical brainwashed on the right, but your character and humanity and idealism that have always inspired and moved us, from the start, through thick and thin:
Quotable: Dee Dee Myers, Beltway Creature Par Imbecilence!
"THE PROBLEM IS, HALF THE PEOPLE VOTED AGAINST THE PRESIDENT." ~ Dee Dee Myers, former Clinton press secretary and material girl about Georgetown, getting Chris Matthews all aroused with her sweet nothin' centrisms. First of all, Dee Dee, if "half" the country had voted against the President, this election would be in the House of Representatives.
This election was an electoral college WIPEOUT with 332 votes for Obama versus 204 for Romney. Nor was it a popular vote squeaker, with the President racking up roughly 3 million more votes than Romney. I've seen Republicans claim a "mandate" with far less impressive results. HOW FED UP AM I WITH THE BELTWAY IDIOT PUNDITOCRACY?! Don't ask, you EFFIN' JERKS! Particularly DISGUSTED with the Beltway's FUZZY MATH!
You may get RIGHT WING Chris 'Clintonista' Matthews aroused, Dee Dee, but as for us, progressives, we're reading the Matthews RIGHT WING ELITIST BELTWAY TEA LEAVES AND WE'RE RARIN' FOR A FIGHT! THIS WAS OUR ELECTION; and despite what the Beltway's Baghdad Bob has to say, this was a progressive victory by a LEFT-OF-CENTER country.
One more thing: How friggin' USELESS have you become, David Corn ... HUH?!
This election was an electoral college WIPEOUT with 332 votes for Obama versus 204 for Romney. Nor was it a popular vote squeaker, with the President racking up roughly 3 million more votes than Romney. I've seen Republicans claim a "mandate" with far less impressive results. HOW FED UP AM I WITH THE BELTWAY IDIOT PUNDITOCRACY?! Don't ask, you EFFIN' JERKS! Particularly DISGUSTED with the Beltway's FUZZY MATH!
You may get RIGHT WING Chris 'Clintonista' Matthews aroused, Dee Dee, but as for us, progressives, we're reading the Matthews RIGHT WING ELITIST BELTWAY TEA LEAVES AND WE'RE RARIN' FOR A FIGHT! THIS WAS OUR ELECTION; and despite what the Beltway's Baghdad Bob has to say, this was a progressive victory by a LEFT-OF-CENTER country.
One more thing: How friggin' USELESS have you become, David Corn ... HUH?!
Mitt "Victory" Site Goes Live!?
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- Romney fireworks display over Boston Harbor — CANCELLED. (Aww ... Why? We could be celebrating the Obama-Warren victories in Massachusetts!)
- Romney Campaign Staff have their credit cards CANCELLED soon after Obama victory. They couldn't pay for the cab ride home!
- Bubble-boy Mittens "shellshocked" by defeat.
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Touré Definitely On The Weed ...
WANTS TO SEE Mitt Romney in the White House as Sec' of Commerce (!) and Dylan Ratigan at Treasury (!!). Whoa, Touré, lay OFF the strong stuff ... at least while you're doing the show!
KARL ROVE BEING WHISKED AWAY BY A PRIVATE SECURITY FORCE, after his conference call explanations regarding 'LIVID' donors' multimillion donations to Rove's SuperPac American Crossroads proved "unsatisfactory." Rove has apparently vanished off the face of the earth. Shrugged one "livid" donor: "He shouldn't joke about messin' with our money."
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Jon Stewart SKEWERS 'Bullshit Mountain' ...
AKA, FOX 'NEWS' ... It's almost surreal what these people do; like a Fellini movie:
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
TONIGHT, EARLY WEDNESDAY MORNING, PRESIDENT OBAMA had his passport to greatness stamped by the American people; and we, the people just saved America. Do not, for a moment, EVER believe elections do not matter. Do not, for a moment, EVER fall prey to cynicism, as the President reminded us. Elections matter. And all I could think was utter a silent word of thanks for the collective wisdom of the American voter — for rescuing us from the horrors of a hard right wing Supreme Court bent on social engineering of our lives, with two, maybe three, appointments looming in this President's second term.
No longer. President Obama will appoint non-ideological justices in the mold of a Kagan, Sotomayor, and Breyer. Chief Justice Roberts' dream of leading a posse of ultra-coservatives to join Scalia and Thomas in striking down decades of precedent — as in the catastrophic Citizens United decision — the linchpin being the repeal of Roe v. Wade is gone with the Windy City wind. Hopefully, Chief Justice Roberts will get the oath of office right this go-round, however distracted he may be by the people cutting his royalist dreams off at the knees. More specifically, the "people" being really, REALLY pissed-off women.
Romney LOSERMAN. — Mitt Romney LOST EVERY STATE HE'S EVER LIVED IN: Michigan, where he was born; Massachusetts, where he votes and was a one-term governor; California, where he owns a beachfront home; New Hampshire, where he summers on the lake ... And Paulie "a star is born" Munster couldn't even deliver his state of Wisconsin for Romney. Talk about MINUS ZERO. OUCH!
Shoutout to The Thinker. — Back on October 26, we were the first out of the box to boldly proclaim: "Cake Is Baked: Powell Endorses, Polling Super Geek Says Romney Stalls, Wingnuts Stroke Out." Calling out the GOP's "despicable 21st century Jim Crow voter suppression measures," we correctly predicted "their game plan is to mobilize the raw meat-eating racist basest of their base" to vote for Romney, while the President "broadens his appeal to the last of the non-political, ignorant but persuadable voters. The only way Republicans win this election is by stealing it. In Ohio and Florida."
Don't tell me they didn't try. Were it not for the vigilance of the Obama volunteers, the under-the-radar shenanigans of both states' partisan secretaries of state would have been much greater, and quite possibly influence the outcome in Romney's favor. For those who say, 50-50 lucky guess, I would add that when polling Super Geek Nate Silver gave the President a 75% chance of victory, it was good enough for us. Nate's modeling predictions are the most accurate in the business; everything else is B.S. and lots of professional envy.
Likewise, we had been calling Paul "Eddie Munster" Ryan a fraud and a dud for a very long time, only to see two MSNBC pundit luminaries make a beeline for the Kool-Aid after Ryan's pathetic and unimpressive lyin' convention speech. "A star is born"?! Please. Only Howard Fineman came close to the truth about this Objectivist fraud, last night when he said, in effect, Ryan was a Beltway creation. But we'd been saying that for a long time, too.
Tea Party Waterloo. — How sweet it is ... And thank YOU, Teabaggers! Stay STOOPID and engaged, you pathetic imbeciles. At this rate, you will have destroyed the Republican Party in record time, relegating it to permanent minority status. Double sweet, too, because while you targeted Democrat Alan Grayson in 2010, one of the most liberal members of Congress ... He's BAAAAAACK! Grayson easily won election in a new Florida district. Best of all, though, we got our PAYBACK and REVENGE claiming the scalps of a couple of the most LOATHSOME Teabaggers: Allen West and Joe Walsh. West is the wingnut fruitcake who claimed there were 88 "Democrat communists" in the House. Walsh, a loudmouth Teabagger and deadbeat dad, was defeated by double amputee veteran and great American, Tammy Duckworth.
Progressive BONANZA; Democrats Make FANTASTIC Senate Gains. — Massachusetts: Progressive champion and consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren defeated Scott Brown, a ward of Wall Street whose regular guy truck driving image masked a GOP foot soldier who touted himself as the '41' vote to filibuster Obamacare. Elizabeth took back Ted Kennedy's old seat from that pretender. Missouri: Senator Claire McCaskill holds her Senate seat against Teabagger nutcase Todd Akin, amateur gynecologist, notorious for his "legitimate rape" comment. Akin lost both his Senate bid and his House seat. Thank YOU, Teabaggers! Over at deep red state Indiana, moderate Democrat Joe Donnelly whipped Teabagger Richard Mourdock after Mourdock claimed women must carry a rape fetus to term because God "intended it." Thanks again, Teabaggers!
But wait, there's more: In Connecticut Rep. Chris Murphy, a GREAT liberal Democrat soundly defeated WWF millionare Linda McMahon who spent $100 million of her own money, twice trying to buy a Senate seat with nothing to show for it except the privilege of watching her opponents' victory speeches. In Wisconsin, a great candidate Tammy Baldwin retired Bush-era dinosaur Tommy Thompson. Baldwin will be the first openly gay member to serve in the Senate. The Democrats had many more seats to defend. But when all is said and done, they will have gained two more, upping their total from 53 to 55. YES!
Cry, cry, then whine some more. — Read this and WEEP, Teabaggers/extremist Republicans: President Obama is in a STRONG position to build on his legacy and pass his agenda, which includes (a) getting a jobs bill done; (b) start implementing phase II of Obamacare, specifically, the state exchanges; (c) begin SERIOUS efforts to tackle global warming and curb greenhouse gases; (d) pass comprehensive immigration reform; and (e) responsible debt reduction based on ARITHMETIC, letting the Bush tax cuts expire and raising revenues by taxing the rich.
Forget all the labels and lies. This is a LEFT-OF-CENTER country, folks. That's what WE, THE PEOPLE voted for last night. It was a DECISIVE victory over extremism and DIRTY MONEY thrown at us by Karl Rove's SuperPac and the ratbastard millionaires, among them Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers. They had the AUDACITY, the hubris to think it would be easy to buy democracy right out from under our feet. Didn't happen. You have two choices, Republicans: (1) Compromise, cooperate, participate in good solutions-based governance; or, (2) take an even worse SPANKING from the people.
No longer. President Obama will appoint non-ideological justices in the mold of a Kagan, Sotomayor, and Breyer. Chief Justice Roberts' dream of leading a posse of ultra-coservatives to join Scalia and Thomas in striking down decades of precedent — as in the catastrophic Citizens United decision — the linchpin being the repeal of Roe v. Wade is gone with the Windy City wind. Hopefully, Chief Justice Roberts will get the oath of office right this go-round, however distracted he may be by the people cutting his royalist dreams off at the knees. More specifically, the "people" being really, REALLY pissed-off women.
Romney LOSERMAN. — Mitt Romney LOST EVERY STATE HE'S EVER LIVED IN: Michigan, where he was born; Massachusetts, where he votes and was a one-term governor; California, where he owns a beachfront home; New Hampshire, where he summers on the lake ... And Paulie "a star is born" Munster couldn't even deliver his state of Wisconsin for Romney. Talk about MINUS ZERO. OUCH!
Shoutout to The Thinker. — Back on October 26, we were the first out of the box to boldly proclaim: "Cake Is Baked: Powell Endorses, Polling Super Geek Says Romney Stalls, Wingnuts Stroke Out." Calling out the GOP's "despicable 21st century Jim Crow voter suppression measures," we correctly predicted "their game plan is to mobilize the raw meat-eating racist basest of their base" to vote for Romney, while the President "broadens his appeal to the last of the non-political, ignorant but persuadable voters. The only way Republicans win this election is by stealing it. In Ohio and Florida."
Don't tell me they didn't try. Were it not for the vigilance of the Obama volunteers, the under-the-radar shenanigans of both states' partisan secretaries of state would have been much greater, and quite possibly influence the outcome in Romney's favor. For those who say, 50-50 lucky guess, I would add that when polling Super Geek Nate Silver gave the President a 75% chance of victory, it was good enough for us. Nate's modeling predictions are the most accurate in the business; everything else is B.S. and lots of professional envy.
Likewise, we had been calling Paul "Eddie Munster" Ryan a fraud and a dud for a very long time, only to see two MSNBC pundit luminaries make a beeline for the Kool-Aid after Ryan's pathetic and unimpressive lyin' convention speech. "A star is born"?! Please. Only Howard Fineman came close to the truth about this Objectivist fraud, last night when he said, in effect, Ryan was a Beltway creation. But we'd been saying that for a long time, too.
Tea Party Waterloo. — How sweet it is ... And thank YOU, Teabaggers! Stay STOOPID and engaged, you pathetic imbeciles. At this rate, you will have destroyed the Republican Party in record time, relegating it to permanent minority status. Double sweet, too, because while you targeted Democrat Alan Grayson in 2010, one of the most liberal members of Congress ... He's BAAAAAACK! Grayson easily won election in a new Florida district. Best of all, though, we got our PAYBACK and REVENGE claiming the scalps of a couple of the most LOATHSOME Teabaggers: Allen West and Joe Walsh. West is the wingnut fruitcake who claimed there were 88 "Democrat communists" in the House. Walsh, a loudmouth Teabagger and deadbeat dad, was defeated by double amputee veteran and great American, Tammy Duckworth.
Progressive BONANZA; Democrats Make FANTASTIC Senate Gains. — Massachusetts: Progressive champion and consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren defeated Scott Brown, a ward of Wall Street whose regular guy truck driving image masked a GOP foot soldier who touted himself as the '41' vote to filibuster Obamacare. Elizabeth took back Ted Kennedy's old seat from that pretender. Missouri: Senator Claire McCaskill holds her Senate seat against Teabagger nutcase Todd Akin, amateur gynecologist, notorious for his "legitimate rape" comment. Akin lost both his Senate bid and his House seat. Thank YOU, Teabaggers! Over at deep red state Indiana, moderate Democrat Joe Donnelly whipped Teabagger Richard Mourdock after Mourdock claimed women must carry a rape fetus to term because God "intended it." Thanks again, Teabaggers!
But wait, there's more: In Connecticut Rep. Chris Murphy, a GREAT liberal Democrat soundly defeated WWF millionare Linda McMahon who spent $100 million of her own money, twice trying to buy a Senate seat with nothing to show for it except the privilege of watching her opponents' victory speeches. In Wisconsin, a great candidate Tammy Baldwin retired Bush-era dinosaur Tommy Thompson. Baldwin will be the first openly gay member to serve in the Senate. The Democrats had many more seats to defend. But when all is said and done, they will have gained two more, upping their total from 53 to 55. YES!
Cry, cry, then whine some more. — Read this and WEEP, Teabaggers/extremist Republicans: President Obama is in a STRONG position to build on his legacy and pass his agenda, which includes (a) getting a jobs bill done; (b) start implementing phase II of Obamacare, specifically, the state exchanges; (c) begin SERIOUS efforts to tackle global warming and curb greenhouse gases; (d) pass comprehensive immigration reform; and (e) responsible debt reduction based on ARITHMETIC, letting the Bush tax cuts expire and raising revenues by taxing the rich.
Forget all the labels and lies. This is a LEFT-OF-CENTER country, folks. That's what WE, THE PEOPLE voted for last night. It was a DECISIVE victory over extremism and DIRTY MONEY thrown at us by Karl Rove's SuperPac and the ratbastard millionaires, among them Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers. They had the AUDACITY, the hubris to think it would be easy to buy democracy right out from under our feet. Didn't happen. You have two choices, Republicans: (1) Compromise, cooperate, participate in good solutions-based governance; or, (2) take an even worse SPANKING from the people.
Even Worse Than Mark Halperin, If You Can Believe It ...
HERE'S ONE CREEP WHO SHOULD'VE STUCK TO WHAT HE KNOWS BEST: His toe-sucking fetish. But seriously, folks, this is a sterling example of the wingnut alternate universe called FOX "News."
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
You have tested my ETERNAL patience with your dishonest campaign for president, while seeking my blessing to anoint you the "chosen one."
First of all, you are not the "White Horse" of your silly religion's prophecy. I only indulge you and your fellow believers for your faith and good deeds, regardless of your specific religious tenets.
Second, you should not misinterpret my having had a hand in Hurricane Sandy (Pat Robertson has long been in my doghouse), but if you did, do not be so prideful as to think I was "testing" you.
Third, learn to be humble, generous, and gracious. In other words, DO NOT FURTHER INCUR MY WRATH.
You know what to do. Tonight. Now, excuse me while I whisper instructions in Chuck Todd's head.
"NO-DRAMA OBAMA" SHEDS A TEAR AT HIS LAST CAMPAIGN RALLY, IN IOWA, where it all began. Surrounded by friends and supporters in the great, salt-of-the-earth state of Iowa, which will deliver their votes and their love for the President for one last time, the President spoke of his hopes for our nation's future and reminisced about 2008, closing with one of his favorite stories about the plucky little old lady who lifted their spirits after a tiring day of campaigning with what would become one of his campaign anthems: "FIRED UP! READY TO GO!"
Now it's all up to us, the PEOPLE, to exercise our constitutional RIGHT TO VOTE, without which our democracy cannot not exist. I honestly do not understand regular folks, Republicans, who will vote for a lying weather vane like Mitt Romney, who set new historic standards for running a dishonest campaign. Mostly, these are very ignorant, ostrich-like people with an endless capacity for rationalizing and excusing the lies. And projecting. How laughable is it for Romney to close by stealing Obama's campaign theme, "vote for change"?! If Romney's backward, reactionary, classist, arrogant, condescending, racist, hateful (projecting), lying campaign is "change," then the voters who bought into it are the greatest SUCKERS in the history of Humankind, except perhaps for the Germans who embraced fascism.
Were my ears deceiving me, or did Romney actually say, alluding to The Boss, Bruce Springsteen traveling with Obama, that he did not "see the Beatles" in his crowd. THE BEATLES?! I mean, this guy is SO, SO OUT OF TOUCH, literally 50 YEARS behind the times, that it's scary. But I've got to think that those reasonable Republicans you can fit in a closet are deeply embarrassed about the outrageous PARTISAN voter suppression efforts in the states of Ohio and Florida, in particular, but also in other states controlled by Republicans. Forcing African Americans and Latinos to stand 6, 7, 8 hours in line to vote is beyond outrageous; IT'S CRIMINAL. Even a Republican, Christie Todd Whitman, former NJ governor, said this looks like voting in a third world country, not the United States. These right wing Republicans who wrap themselves around the Constitution personify hypocrisy. They are truly "head cases" including, most threatening of all, Mitt Romney.
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Were my ears deceiving me, or did Romney actually say, alluding to The Boss, Bruce Springsteen traveling with Obama, that he did not "see the Beatles" in his crowd. THE BEATLES?! I mean, this guy is SO, SO OUT OF TOUCH, literally 50 YEARS behind the times, that it's scary. But I've got to think that those reasonable Republicans you can fit in a closet are deeply embarrassed about the outrageous PARTISAN voter suppression efforts in the states of Ohio and Florida, in particular, but also in other states controlled by Republicans. Forcing African Americans and Latinos to stand 6, 7, 8 hours in line to vote is beyond outrageous; IT'S CRIMINAL. Even a Republican, Christie Todd Whitman, former NJ governor, said this looks like voting in a third world country, not the United States. These right wing Republicans who wrap themselves around the Constitution personify hypocrisy. They are truly "head cases" including, most threatening of all, Mitt Romney.
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Memo To David Gregory: STFU!
PUNDITOCRACY to take a swing at that MARMOT-FACE?! Just expressing how much MSNBC viewers appreciate his IGNORANT PUNDITRY!
Sunday, November 04, 2012
SNL Does Bloomberg, Christie, Spoofs Sign Language Superstar!
Quotable: Bill Clinton
"AS YOU CAN SEE, I HAVE GIVEN MY VOICE IN THE SERVICE OF MY PRESIDENT." Bill Clinton warming up a crowd of 24,000 people in Virginia for President Obama. As our current President said, Bill Clinton is a "national treasure."
Memo To Lady Alex: Have You Caught The Jansing Bug?!
ALEX, ALEX, ALEX ... INDIANA IS NOT a Democratic "HOLD" seat. Last I checked, the TEABAGGER-early retired, or "primaried," Dick Lugar hasn't been a Democrat since at least 1869! I think you're confusing a moderate Republican's bipartisan cooperation with being a Democrat. Better take a pill and lie down, woman, lest you contract the much more serious BELTWAY "SUCK-UP" disease, for hanging out with Gonzo stenographer, Idiot Punditocracy luminary and world's worst political prognosticator, Mark Halperin. Tomorrow never knows:
Turn off your mind relax and float down stream
It is not dying, it is not dying
Lay down all thoughts, surrender to the void,
It is shining, it is shining.
Yet you may see the meaning of within
It is being, it is being
Love is all and love is everyone
It is knowing, it is knowing
And ignorance and hate mourn the dead
It is believing, it is believing
But listen to the colour of your dreams
It is not leaving, it is not leaving
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