Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thanks a bunch there John--now go away.

"You know, education -- if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get [us] stuck in Iraq." (Link)

Ah, for the want of an "us," John Kerry just gave the mouth-breathers and "liberals are troop haters" one great big present to unwrap. Now of course, any person with a brain knows what he meant, but that "with a brain" is a HUUUGE assumption.

I tend to agree with one unnamed "Democratic strategist" who said ""He has already cost us one election. The guy just needs to keep his mouth shut until after the election." I haven't gotten over my 2004 anger at him yet. Bye, John. Please.


Anonymous said...

I agree that Kerry blew it big. He's made a flub that will be exploited by the lowest of the low.

However, his response to them tonight was much better. He laid it out plain and simple. He described their "Stand still and die" Iraq policy and turned the cut'n'run label back on them for Afganistan.

He attacked McCain on letting Bush do what he's done to our troups.

He also re-interated how proud he is of our troups and how cowardly the non-serving Repube leaders are.

A little too late, but perhaps he'll be able to get out the lack of honor and trust image of Bush et al.

Peter said...

Thanks Thern--couldn't have said it better myself!

Life Hiker said...

Second that! I think Kerry may have been flashing back to Vietnam where all the dropouts became cannon fodder, but there's no excuse for his stupidity.

drmagoo said...

I'm going to disagree with you to a point, Pete. On the one hand, Kerry should have talked like this in 2004, and I'll never forgive him for that. On the other hand, unlike then, when he let the Bushies take him to task for every little thing, this time he came back firing, and scored a direct hit, from the best I could tell. I haven't checked out the mainstream media to see what they think, but they're all idiots anyway.

Peter said...

I don't really disagree with you, in an ideal world, Doc. Kerry 's statement was innocent and I liked the response. But it was a low-return bad joke (W's dumb, there's a novel idea) that gave the mouthbreathers fresh meat and pushed the GOP disasters du jour off the front pages. Plus, it was Kerry, which just brought back all the still-sloshing 2004 stomach acid.

Peter said...

BTW, Life Hiker, thanks for coming by, don't be a stranger!