Wednesday, November 29, 2006

State Department Press Release

Press Release

The Department of State advises that the use of the phrase "civil war" in Iraq is not appropriate. Based on our review of events in Iraq, we have determined the proper terms to use. From now on, the conflict will be referred to as:

1) a "Kerfuffle"
2) Explode-y Tag
3) Iraqi PUNK'D!
4) Hazing
5) Sectarian Slapdown
6) Damned ungrateful A-Rabs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or the simple "it's just a misunderstanding" tag.

Labels matter to these neocons, so this is no trivial matter. One could argue that Kerry lost because some people were worried about gay couples getting to use the label "married."

Given so few Americans actually go to Iraq, this battle for a label is the battle for the hearts and minds of Americans. Our experience of the place is the experience of what is reported.

With all that in mind, I propose that we label it "the situation which must not be named."