Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Bizarro World

Below I commented on Thomas Friedman's bizarre blame assessment for the Iraq nightmare. Let us not, in our haste, forget the wisdom of the leader of the free world:
(link) The United States will not withdraw its forces from Iraq before its mission of building a stable democracy is complete, President Bush said Tuesday. "There is one thing I’m not going to do. I am not going to pull our troops off the battlefield before the mission is complete."
Oh my God. Could this man possibly be any more detached from reality?

He added that
“There’s a lot of sectarian violence taking place, fomented in my opinion because of the attacks by al-Qaida...
No, George, it's not al-Qaida, it is a home-grown, completely foreseeable civil war that YOU caused. He stumbled on that
“When you see a young democracy beginning to emerge in the Middle East, the extremists try to defeat its emergence,” Bush said. “Extremists attack because they can’t stand the thought of a democracy. And the same thing is happening in Iraq.”
No again, George. This is not a "young democracy." This is a failed occupation decorated with faux "elections" for show. None of the elements of statehood are present, the regime is absolutely devoid of legitimacy and no further sacrifice of blood and treasure on the part of the United States can change those two basic facts.

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