Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Gaze upon the face of Satan

Revelation 20:10
And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Satan--from the Hebrew for "accuser," Σατανάς in Greek, ruler of demons. Satan has been portrayed as a fallen angel

or a horrific beast

but no, my friends, Satan is a deceiver and those are not his faces. Scroll down if you dare to gaze upon the visage of The Tormenter. You have been warned:

Oh the humanity! NANCY PELOSI!! The Nancy=Satan equation seems to be about the only card the wingers have to play. The National Republican Congressional Committee (headed by odious pedophile protector Tom Reynolds) has been spending huge money here, with ads in IL-8 targeting Melissa Bean (a barely even moderate pro-business Dem, beloved by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce!). The ads morph her into--NANCY PELOSI!! A SAN FRANCISCO LIBERAL!!!! (see "Satan").

Isn't it remarkable how much fear an Italian grandmother from Baltimore can cause? After all, Sean Hannity did say it would be worth fighting and DYING to stop Nancy from becoming speaker.


Anonymous said...

Did you see the O'Reilly segment in which he argued against Pelosi as Speaker because according to a poll 43% of people don't know who Nancy Pelosi is? What Bill passingly mentions (but doesn't stress or repeat) is that 44% of the respondants don't know who current Speaker Dennis Hastert is.


Anonymous said...

BTW, I am in Melissa Bean's district, and I refuse to vote for her.

Peter said...

Jimbow, as bad as she can be, she is light years ahead of McSweeney.

schmidlap said...

If you really want to scare a 'thug, have him imagine Nancy Pelosi and George Soros making babies.


Anonymous said...

To Peter: I know Bean is better, but after she voted for MCA06, I vowed not to vote for her, which means just not voting in that race.

Peter said...

Jimbow, I respect your opinion, but I wish I could persuade you to get the giant Acme noseplug and pull the lever AGAINST McSweeney.