Wednesday, October 18, 2006


So, last night I'm at this election judge training thing, and roughly half of the people there are Republicans. One has to declare a party affiliation to be a judge, and the polling places are, as much as possible, split evenly. I'm going to have to spend 15 hours with Republicans in a place where electioneering is illegal, which will impose a certain amount of civility. Still, I wonder if I'll be able to make it through the whole day without turning to them and whapping them upside the head and asking them:

Why they support torturers?
Why they support people who've started a war which has killed hundreds of thousands of people?
Why they support people who take money from them (unless they're the uber-rich) to give to those who have more?
Why do they support people who actively and intentionally violate the Constitution?
Why do they support people who are getting rid of the most fundamental bases of jurisprudence, which have helped protect people's rights for nearly 800 years?
Why are they willing to turn power over to people who lie about their religious beliefs only so they can gain more power?
Why are they so scared of being free?

I won't do it, of course, if only because their answers would leave me in the corner, sucking my thumb and crying. I try not to judge people before I know them, but, man, people who vote to support these evil, evil, evil people make it really hard.

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