Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sister Sarah Goes Over The Deep End After Watching Those Rabid MSNBC Libs On Stewart’s Giant Screen

Let’s face it: Mama Grizzly is not an original thinker. (Smirk.) But she’s really good at copy-catting her personal demons. My theory is that after months of Olbermann’s truculent “that woman is an IDIOT” drumbeat on his amusing Palin segments, she must have lost it watching Keith on the big Jon Stewart screen calling her buddy a “BASTARD” while Big Eddie, batting cleanup, leans into the giant screen yelling, “REPUBLICANS ARE LIARS!”

Don’t you just love name-calling? I do, especially when it’s TRUE.

Add to that an immense crowd of young Jon Stewart fans, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, all but one percent, according to the wingnut rag DC Caller (so, grain of salt), committed to voting for Democrats. That frightening show of comedy-reality media power must have tipped the teetering half-governor of  “AL-ask-UH” over the porous border between tenuous re-AL-iTEE and craven conspiracies of the “corrupt liberal media.” She adds ominously, “we have it on tape!” She had to “put up with ['those corrupt bastards'] for two years now … Wait until it busts all over the nation!” (“Get tape doctor Andrew Breitbart on the phone,” hisses Sarah to straw carrier.) Palin becomes increasingly incoherent and paranoid: “…someone who [fills? You must mean:] feels, Lisa Murkowski, so entitled to seat that she and … some complicits will do anything, they will stop at nothing.”

Whoa … Is this woman crazy delusional, or what? There’s more: “the CBS reporters … are saying let’s find a child molester in the crowd as a supporter for Joe Miller…” Okay, time out. Does Sister Sarah actually have tape evidence that CBS reporters were conspiring to find a ‘child molester’ who is a Miller supporter? To make matters worse, the seemingly out-of-control leader of the Republican Tea Party charges these creatures she calls “complicits” want to “concoct a Ron Paul moment [you must mean 'Rand' missy] there let's find any kind of chaos so that we can tweet an alert and say, 'oohh there's chaos, Joe Miller got punched.' That's sick. Those are corrupt bastards.”

Hmm. Just wondering: What’s this fixation with CBS News? Is it something to do with that eevil eye? Does Sister Sarah think they’re “limp” and “impotent” too? Can we at least agree Sarah Palin isn’t just an IDIOT — there’s a good chance she’s clinically INSANE?
Just last night it was revealed that, at the rally I had for Joe Miller on Thursday, it was revealed and we have the tape that proves it, that the CBS reporters, the affiliate in Alaska, conspired to make up stories about Joe Miller. We have the tape, Chris. I can't wait until it busts out all over the nation to show what it is that we, kind of what I put up with for two years now with the media, but what Joe Miller is faced with, in dealing with someone who feels, Lisa Murkowski, so entitled to seat that she and some of her people including some complicits in the media will do anything, they will stop at nothing.


I'm saying that we have it on tape, the CBS reporters in the affiliate up there in Alaska are on tape saying let's find a child molester in the crowd as a supporter for Joe Miller, let's blast that. Let's concoct a Ron Paul moment there let's find any kind of chaos so that we can tweet an alert and say, 'oohh there's chaos, Joe Miller got punched.' That's sick. Those are corrupt bastards.
And what the HELL is Ree-VILLED? Can this unhinged MORON at least make a good faith effort to properly enunciate the few words in her very limited vocabulary?


Anonymous said...

The station authenticated the tape. Wake up, they are lying to you and you are nothing but a tool for their lies.

Carlos said...

Yes, and the station manager said Palin's and Miller's charges were "absurd"; from POLITICO:

"The transcript does not, in fact, make it terribly clear what they're talking about. KTVA General Manager Jerry Bever, in a statement to my colleague Byron Tau, confirms the authenticity of the recording left (in error) on the voice mail of a Miller aide but says that Miller's claims are wrong abut the details and "absurd" on their face.

"The allegations are untrue," he said. "To allege that our staff was discussing or planning to create or fabricate stories regarding candidate Miller is absurd. The complete conversation was about what others might be able to do to cause disruption within the Miller campaign, not what KTVA could do."

You can read the whole thing in POLITICO. You would have to be pretty paranoid to believe reporters would actually have the power to "concoct" such absurd scenarios. In fact, none exist. Nice try, 'anonymous'. Wake up, yourself.