Monday, November 06, 2006

More from the freak show.

Scroll down below. Here is an except from the biography of the "Involuntararily Committed Psychotics" party's "candidate" for lieutenant governor:
My first child was born in September of 1978, and I was given the joy of having the most love I had ever experienced in my life as I took my baby daughter from the arms of her mother for the first time. This small child alone quieted down my wilder side from my youth. In 1980 my pride and joy, Randy Jr., was born and somewhere in there I knew in my heart I had to become a better person so my son would have a father who set a good example. Even so, I did not remain consistent in my faith, and faltered many times in my walk as a Christian.

Yeah, never mind that first child, she's just...a girl, nothing compared to his "pride and joy."

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