Sunday, October 01, 2006

A note to "Anonymous" below

"Anonymous" commented below on Rep. Happypants:
One could certainly come to the conclusion that you're implying that only Republicans lie. It's not much of a stretch based on the content of this blog.
Well, Anon, I would certainly like to see some evidence that 1) Doc Magoo or anyone here made such an implication and 2) how that was based on the "content" of this blog.

First of all, in terms of "content." Sure we have an ideological bent. EVERYONE has an ideology, that complete body of all your life experiences, and your ideology influences how you deal with so many aspects of your life. Anyone who claims to be "impartial" or "objective" in so many areas is either naive or lying. If we have made factual errors, please point them out by comment or email.

Beyond that--there is no ideological lockstep on this blog. We publish your stuff, right? Any cogent thought goes up here, we have NEVER edited any comment for content. Unless it's downright spam, personal, racial, etc. --it goes up. And in terms of individuals? I teach Sunday School, we have atheists and agnostics, we have moderates, liberals, some libertarian influence, we're all across the board here in terms of ideology and occupation. We don't agree on things a lot of the time, and that's what makes it fun.

You write:
WHO is willing to do anything to retain and increase their power? Come on. You are accusing them of something that you yourself and the Democrats are incredibly guilty of. That's ridiculous for you to even suggest otherwise.
The press reports suggested that the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE knew that a GOP member was engaging in improper sexual conduct with a youth. That speaker DID NOTHING before the election to deal with something INCREDIBLY disgusting. I don't know about you, Anonymous, but I would put not put party above principle on SEXUALLY SOLICITING CHILDREN??? Please post where "we" are guilty of such a thing? I don't care about control of Congress, this is a man IN A POSITION OF AUTHORITY engaging in inappropriate sexual contact with children.

Doc Magoo wrote:
That should be condemned by everyone, regardless of how it affects the election. If you don't, then you truly deserve to be with these bastards. and you responded
So, it's black and white, huh? You're either with us or against us. Now, isn't that the proverbial pot calling the kettle black. Neat political trick, that.
Yeah, I think you are either against pedophilia or not, sorry.


drmagoo said...

We're not the most wildly diverse group here, and if we could find a Republican who lived in the real world, they'd be more than welcome.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. Look, if someone on your favorite sports team is trying to hook up with underage boys and gets caught you don't come out saying, "Yer just picking on him 'cuz he's on team Whatever". No! You get to the bottom of it and, if need be, you throw them under the bus. You don't make excuses or pass it off as partisan politics. That's what I'd expect from another pedophile.

Open your eyes people! I don't care if your a Republican, conservative or what-have you. If you support liars (Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney etc.), cheaters (which wife is Newt Gingrich on?) and guys getting horny over little boys then you need serious psychological help. Please get it before you vote again!