Monday, October 23, 2006

Alright, that's it

From Hugh Hewitt:

The left assumes nothing can be done because the left assumes the projection of American power cannot work because, in the left's view, America has failed in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Hugh. Hugh, ol buddy ol pal. Hugh. H. You're not that bright, so let me cue you into a little something that we here on the left consider kind of useful: Reality. See, what we do (and see if you can follow me on this one) is "pay attention" to "what's happening", and then we "draw conclusions" based on "the facts."

For example, I might find out about something like that Afghanistan is producing their largest opium crops ever. Or that the Taliban is growing in power. And I might hypothesize that since we went into Afghanistan to get rid of the Taliban and cut off their access to opium, which funds their terrorist activities, and have apparently not done either of those things, that we have, indeed, failed. See, for me, success has something to do with meeting one's objectives. Not, as it seems to be with you and your hero, Drinky McCokefiend, defining one's objectives to mean "whatever's going on today." See, it seems from over here (you know, in the real world), that you might have intended for your blog to show off how smart you are. Instead, you're demonstrating how far up your own ass you can shove your head. Saying today that you have the blog to learn about how your small intestine tastes from the inside would be, well, idiotic. On the other hand, it would be consistent.

See, it's pretty simple. Once you can accept reality, and learn that the US has indeed failed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and sacrificed billions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives, and the freedom of hundreds of millions to do it, maybe you can breathe clean air again. Until then, take your arrogant fucking lies and go the hell away. Far, far, away. Take the treasonous murdering bastard masquerading as a human who lives in the White House with you. Stay there until you evolve into a life form with more brain power than you have. Something, like, say, a maggot.

1 comment:

schmidlap said...


As in, His Highness?

(double ententre intended)