Thursday, February 09, 2006

This and that...

Raise your hand if you think the Obama-McCain episode over "partisanship" was the first shot by the GOP across the bow of the Dem's golden boy. And of course, Joe Lieberman played right along with the Republicans, showing again that Satan holds the claim check for his soul.

Restoring honor and dignity, right? So who does the GOP name to replace the disgraced criminal Duke Cunningham to the high-profile House Approriations Committee? Why, disgraced criminal Tom Delay! There's integrity for you.

And why do Republicans insist on telling people how to mourn?


drmagoo said...

We've been discussing this morning how the word "hypocrite" just is not expressive enough for the level of obfuscation and lying that this Administration and its lackeys display.

In 2000, John McCain had set himself up as a populist who could have snarfed a bunch of votes from Democrats, if he had the guts to play as a foil to Bush in the Senate. Of course, as a politican, he's a wuss, who kisses Bush's feet enough to try to keep the party faithful happy, but they don't much like him because he doesn't froth at the mouth enough. This was just a pathetic attempt to reach out to them. Obama's got more class.

Anonymous said...

The news of the day: Scooter testifying to the grand jury that Lucifer Cheney gave him the green light to "inform" certain members of the media of Valerie Plame's status as a CIA agent.

Lets see how many stories of shoe box bombers will be told before this info gets to the headlines.

Pathetic liars and pathetic lies they lie about.

Anonymous said...

Good call, Pete. Looks like Rove is starting the old smear machine up again. I've also noticed the "Is Hillary too angry to be President?" campaign that keeps popping up. I guess it's never too late to start a little old-fashioned defamation. Wasn't there something in the Bible about baring false witness against your neighbor? Oh, well, I'm sure none of the Christian Republicans are behind it.