Tuesday, February 07, 2006

History 101

Kudos to Joshua Holland over at Gadflyer/Alternet (www.gadflyer.com and www.alternet.org) for this tip. Joshua is one of my favorite writers, and he lets me steal his stuff---
Our esteemed attorney general, the man who basically said that we don't torture, we just hurt people really really badly until they tell us what we want to hear, enlightened us with this:
 "President Washington, President Lincoln, President Wilson, President Roosevelt have all authorized electronic surveillance on a far broader scale."
Really, Al? Was Ben Franklin flying kites over suspected Loyalist houses? Were the Pinkertons carrying giant liquid batteries strapped to their backs around Confederate earthworks? Please.
(Besides the inadvertent humor, it of course should be noted that he is lying through his teeth concerning the historical use of warrantless surveillance.)


drmagoo said...

Not only that, but it's thoroughly irrelevant, since the discussion isn't over who wiretapped who, but whether the program broke the law, and the law's only existed since 1978.

Torture Boy's testimony has been scarily stupid.

Anonymous said...

But he is speaking to his and his party's "base". Afterall, his base also belief Jesus Christ found Christianity.