Thursday, November 03, 2005

My W Theory

Many people have commented on the president's bizarre behavior lately, suggesting that he is drinking again, doing cocaine or taking anti-depressants. Nora Ephron even suggested he is depressed because of his lack of exercise.

My theory is much more simple. The president actually died when he "choked on the pretzel," yet is not dead. The incomprehensible speech, the blotchy face and the awkward gait point to the inescapable conclusion that we have the first zombie president. While other presidents spent long nights pouring over policy briefings, this one roams the night to feed on the flesh of the living.

Just a theory.


ZuZu's Petals said...

Can you imagine the exchange between Pretzeldent Zombie and Darth Cheney:

Zombie Prez: Nnnnrrrrrhhhhuuuh!!

Darth Cheney: Arrrrrrrggghhhhrr!!

drmagoo said...

I thought Cheney was the dead one.

I heard a standup comedian do a rouine once about how Bush-Cheney was the result of a bet between really drunk Republicans - "I'll bet we can beat them with a retard and a dead guy!" Not politically correct, I suppose, but funny.