Monday, September 26, 2005

Why is it I wake up every day,,,,,

First of all, let me welcome Dr. Magoo, a man far more intelligent and handsome than I, to the blog.

He raises an interesting point in his first post when he remarked "I hate that man with the passion I could only hold for, say, to put it in a sports context, if Steve Garvey, Bill Laimbeer, and Gary Barnett merged into the same being who then ran for president and became the worst ever to hold that office."

That prompted me to think about why I have such an undying hatred for this man and why I wake up every morning hoping that rabid wombats have gnawed all the skin off his face. After all, I never felt this way about Richard Nixon, even though I was sent home from 7th grade for wearing a black arm band after Kent State. Despite the horrible abuses of the office and the public trust perpetrated by Nixon, honestly, most days, I never thought about him.

I went from being a law student to a father under Ronald Reagan. I despised that man. He wasted Marine lives in Lebanon and then tried to make amends for that debacle by invading poor little Grenada. Now admittedly, he did keep the world's strategic supply of nutmeg safe from the godless commies, but...Grenada? He supported a war waged by Somoza's thugs in one of the poorest parts of the Americas and had the gall to compare these death squads to our founding fathers. I was disgusted by the soft-focused hagiographic remembrances and overblown panegyrics upon his death. Honestly, though, other than a few fits and spurts, Ronald Reagan's existence did not cause me this kind of emotional distress.

Bush Sr.? He did represent much of what is wrong with American politics, as the man believed in nothing. Remember "voodoo economics" and his abortion pirouette? Of course, he screwed up the Iraqi-Kuwaiti thing horribly, with the whole April Glaspie mess. But once he screwed it up, he had the sense to fix it in a limited fashion by getting international support and defining the objectives.

But his idiot son? Yes, I do hope each morning that he has a bootful of scorpions and a torso devoured by fire ants. I tried to figure out why, and I came up with these ideas.

The first is the question of the legitimacy of his presidency. Antonin Scalia has voted to invalidate a state action based on the equal protection clause ONE TIME in his judicial career. Guess when? Add that into the fact that this drunken, drug-addled, draft-dodging, insider trading miscreant has no qualifications for the job seals that "legitimacy" question!

The second is that he shamelessly exploited tragedy and the fears of good people.

Third, you know, the whole lying through his teeth thing.


Fifth--betraying everything this country should stand for by waging an unholy war

And finally, above all this, the thing that causes me to wake up every morning and curse this man is that 56,000,000 Americans said he deserved four more years. That simple fact caused me to question my fellow citizens, the press and the very nature of this country.

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