Monday, September 26, 2005

Just once, I'd like to be surprised

First of all, thanks to Pete for inviting me to join this group of illustrious ranters.

So I see this headline this morning. "Bush Turns to Rita's Hit on Oil Industry" - AP. Would it kill that man to once, just once, not do something that was predetermined by those who bought him? (A - well, he might get kneecapped) Is there anyone out there with anything vaguely resembling brain functions higher than "breathe" who can't see this?

I hate that man with the passion I could only hold for, say, to put it in a sports context, if Steve Garvey, Bill Laimbeer, and Gary Barnett merged into the same being who then ran for president and became the worst ever to hold that office. I think William Henry Harrison did more good for this country.

But just once, I'd like to wake up and see a headline like "Bush asks for more aid for poor ", "Bush wants corporations to pay a higher percentage of taxes", "Bush shoves own head in garbage disposal after tearing out Dick Cheney's throat with his teeth - doctors say cocaine was involved". Wouldn't you?

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