Thursday, September 01, 2005

Who you crappin????

A local sports radio show does a bit with the title above, "Who you crappin?" It comes from an exchange with legendary Bears coach Mike Ditka, but the bit involves people who have lied to you. Not something someone DID, something someone SAID....

Bill O'Reilly, where "Loofah means never having to say you're sorry," on Fox News was interviewing a poor local National Guard officer and berating him about "where was the Guard."

Hello, McFly??? The Guard is in IRAQ fighting Bubble Boy's war! Four out of every ten Louisiana Guardsmen are in the desert for NOTHING along with their HIGH WATER gear. In the desert. Floods here--desert there. And where is the high water gear????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like your blogg. Thanks for sharing.