Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gov. Mark Sanford: Don't Cry for Me, Argentina

It seems that accepting President Obama's stimulus money was just too much for South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford. The Governor was not hiking on the Appalachian Trail, as his staff told the media, on Sunday Solstice NAKED HIKING DAY, but on a cruise off the coast of Argentina, without telling his wife and kids, the Lt. Governor, or his constituents. This is dedicated to the Governor (pictured below):

1 comment:

Carlos said...

Another affair. This time with an Argentine woman. In the Governor's defense, I can certify that women from Argentina are positively gorgeous.

But spare us the "law of God" "Bible study" crap, 'kay Governor? Why is it that conservative Bible Belt hypocrites have a compulsion to jam their "family values" religiosity down our throats even as they ask for forgiveness? It's all a little sick and tawdry, if you ask me.

It always comes down to the HYPOCRISY.