Saturday, October 14, 2006

Making plans

We're now less than three and a half weeks from the elections, and the forecasts keep rolling in. And despite every forecast I've seen becoming more and more optimistic for the Democrats, every liberal I've talked to about the election is cautious. Heck, even me. I tend to be recklessly optimistic about a lot of things, but I know that many people nationally think that elections are something to screw around with and that winning is far more important than process. That's something both parties have been guilty of, but the evidence is clear that in recent years, it's primarily the Republicans playing dirty tricks and breaking the law. That's a rant for another day.

Anyway, the point is that despite a mountain of evidence and dozens of polls, liberal and progressive voters are doing everything they can to not count their proverbial chickens.

One might ask what's going on in the Republican camps.

Well, we know that some of them are endorsing Democrats this year.

Some of them are preparing to go to prison. As an aside, here's an interesting tidbit about Ney - if he doesn't formally resign, but waits until November 9 to be kicked out of Congress (assuming, of course, that the GOP doesn't decide to renege), he'll make roughly $10,000 from his salary, paid of course by you and me.

And the top Republicans, what are they doing? "They aren't even planning for if they lose."


schmidlap said...

I'm of two minds about their lack of a plan in case they lose.

In one case, it doesn't worry me at all, because we've seen that these guys don't plan anything beyond what software engineers sometimes call "sunny day scenarios." Plenty of examples, the most notable of course being Iraq.

Far, far more worrisome is because they know something we don't, something they believe will retilt the playing field again. Billmon alludes to one possible reason.

This is the time to be most vigilant...they will never be scarier than when they are cornered.

Anonymous said...

Of course, regardless of whether Ney is kicked out, he will receive his pension, I believe.