Thursday, December 01, 2005

Poodles on Linoleum, Part Three

You can see this one lining up nicely. The White House has given its talking points to its media hacks. For example, in this morning's Chicago Tribune, Armstrong Williams--ooops, I mean Mark Silva---writes about "burgeoning Iraqi battalions" and delivers the expected cheap shot that "Democrats have struggled for months to articulate their own strategy for success in Iraq."

The clincher is that the Trib also includes a nifty graphic in the print version showing how there are more than 212,000 "trained" Iraqi troops in place, and they source it to an impressive-sounding authority..The Multi-National Security Transition Command. They must be important. After all, they have a cool seal:

After weeks of exhaustive research (actually, one Google click), I found out who the "
Multi-National Security Transition Command" is...the envelope please...the winner is...

Wow, what a stunner!

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