Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Cheney hits rock bottom..

We may have an all-time Cheney lowlight (from the Washington Post):

Although the United States has not found any stockpiles of banned weapons in Iraq, Cheney said, "I repeat that we never had the burden of proof; Saddam Hussein did."


Last time I checked, we invaded them, didn't we???

1 comment:

drmagoo said...

One of the lovely consequences of this whole war is the choice to ignore anything even vaguely like 225 years of American jurisprudence. Saddam was guilty unless he could prove himself innocent. Except, of course, that such a thing is impossible. He'd have to show that in every possible hiding place, either in Iraq or anywhere around the world that he had access to, there were no WMD's. There are certainly not enough people in the world to carry out such a search, even if they were so inclined.

Dick, go Cheney yourself.