Thursday, October 20, 2005

Smirking Frat Boy

I mean, wouldn't life be somewhat better if we didn't have a president who spent most of his time walking around with a look on his face that said "Yeah, I've got a bottle of booze in my hand. My dad's rich, so there's nothing you can do about it."


Anonymous said...

from the lighting, doesn't it look like it is in the morning, too?

schmidlap said...

What's also great is that you have two spoiled fuckheads without a care in the world, one with a bottle and the other laughing it up real good. But then there's some other hapless dude with a shitload of real work to everyone else you'd expect to see at Yale.

How ashamed that university must be. Time to rethink the "legacy" admissions perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Sweet jacket though.