Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Has anyone seen my keys?

I wanted to take a break from politics for just a minute to address something..hey look, bubble wrap! Now where was I? Oh, that's right, I was just about to, hang on, going to check ESPN for a minute, I'll be right back, hmm, I'm hungry, honey, I'll get to it soon, damn, has anyone seen my keys? Oh yes, I was about to address attention deficit disorder.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not pop psychology, this is a very real condition. It is far more than being flighty or disorganized. It is a neurological condition that profoundly affects the way the brain processes information.

For years my life was a tumultuous chaos of lost papers, missed deadlines, forgotten appointments, procrastination and as mentioned above, the ever-present "has anyone seen my keys?" While there is certainly some chaos, recognizing ADD as a problem and addressing it as such has made a tremendous difference.

I have opted for medication, unless Tom Cruise tells me not to, and it has been a godsend. Unlike Tom, however, I do not dare to assume that I have all the answers and I certainly have no expertise to assess treatment alternatives. There are medications with basic chemical differences, some stimulants, others not, and medication may not be right for all cases. All I'm saying is if you feel like you are trapped in a giant pinball machine with lights flashing and bells constantly ringing, or if you see your child struggle with the organizational demands of school. please talk to a professional. It is real, and it won't go away.

Has anyone seen my keys? Oh, wait, here they are.

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