Monday, September 12, 2005

George and the Giant ImPEACHment

I just read a column from the website that was entitled "Impeach Bush Now." OK, no big deal, given that Creators syndicates Molly Ivins and a couple of other justifiably angry lefties. But no, this comes from Paul Craig Roberts, a man with impeccable right-wing credentials.

Check out the bio. When you see an Olin Fellowship, and the Hoover Institution on the resume, you know this man's conservative bona fides cannot be questioned. Add in that he was an assistant secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan years, and that one clinches that, but wait, it gets better. Mr. Roberts was an editor with the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal.

For those of you that happen to be unfamiliar with the Wall Street Journal, the paper comes in two major parts (three on Fridays). The first part is an indispensable news source for everything business (the second, on Fridays, is a pretty cool weekend journal with wine, the arts, etc.) and then you have the editorial page. That page is run by people who are clinically as crazy as a bag of weasels. The "Chinese Wall" between the editorial page and the real paper is so high that I don't think they even invite the nutballs from editorial to the Christmas party or to play on the softball team. I don't think they even tell the editorial people where the real paper is, so for someone from the wrong side of that wall to write this is very significant.

He writes:

"The destruction of New Orleans is the responsibility of the most incompetent government in American history and perhaps in all history. Americans are rapidly learning that they were deceived by the superpower hubris. The powerful U.S. military cannot successfully occupy Baghdad or control the road to the airport-and this against an insurgency based in only 20 percent of the Iraqi population. Bush's pointless war has left Washington so pressed for money that the federal government abandoned New Orleans to catastrophe.

The Bush administration is damned by its gross incompetence. Bush has squandered the lives and health of thousands of people. He has run through hundreds of billions of borrowed dollars. He has lost America's reputation and its allies. With barbaric torture and destruction of our civil liberty, he has stripped America of its inherent goodness and morality. And now Bush has lost America's largest port and 25 percent of its oil supply.

Why? Because Bush started a gratuitous war egged on by a claque of crazy neoconservatives who have sacrificed America's interests to their insane agenda. The neoconservatives have brought these disasters to all Americans, Democrat and Republican alike. Now, they must be held accountable. Bush and his neoconservatives are guilty of criminal negligence and must be prosecuted.

What will it take for Americans to re-establish accountability in their government? Bush has gotten away with lies and an illegal war of aggression, with outing CIA agents, with war crimes against Iraqi civilians, with the horrors of the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo torture centers, and now with the destruction of New Orleans.

What disaster will next spring from Bush's incompetence?"

Well said, Dr. Roberts, thank you.

1 comment:

schmidlap said...

15 seats....we need to pick up 15 seats in the House in '06 to make Articles of Impeachment a reality.

He could eat a live baby on TV and the current House would do nothing about it, so there's no point dreaming right now.

15 seats. The question for us is: where will we volunteer? Who will we support? If the race in our home district is safe, are we willing to travel?

Life or death. 15 seats.