Tonight might be the only time in the space of a month that I'll have a chance to attempt to construct a cogent political thought, so I'll, as they say in baseball parlance, spray to all fields:
1) I didn't watch the liar speak the other night. As I commented elsewhere, I was busy doing science, although, I must say, not creating human-animal hybrids. All I can say is that if you live somewhere that you get chances to stop out at an observatory at a local college or museum to look at what's up there, it will always be more meaningful than anything George W. Bush will ever say.
2) It amuses me that the "addicted to oil" thing is coming back to bite him from the right.
3) So we all know that 2 people got thrown out of the SotU the other night. One was the wife of a congressman from Florida, who (according to Salon) had this to say "I totally disagree with everything
she [Cindy Sheehan] stands for," he said. But by asking his wife to leave the House chamber, Young said, police clearly "acted precipitously." I'm glad that people who have such a clear grasp of the first amendment are making laws.
4) Further proof that W thinks we're all about as bright as he is. Also from Salon:
Remember that bit in Tuesday night's State of the Union address where George W. Bush said that new technology will help the United States "replace more than 75 percent of our oil imports from the Middle East by 2025"?
Forget it.
"This was purely an example," Bush's energy secretary, Samuel Bodman, tells Knight Ridder. Bodman says the president's real goal is to reduce foreign oil imports from anywhere, not from the Middle East in particular. An administration official says Bush used the words "Middle East" in his State of the Union address just so "every American sitting out there listening to the speech understands."
Oh, okay. That bitchslap from the Saud family that Drinky got when he returned to the White House must have really hurt.
5) I'm still incapable of rational speech on how poorly the Democratic party as a whole handled the Alito thing, from start to finish. If they don't wake up, and fast, the GOP won't even need to rig the machines this November.
6) The week off between the conference championship games and the Super Bowl is the single dumbest thing ever invented in professional sport, and it wasn't even Beelzebud Selig's idea. Stunning.
7) If you get a chance, sneak over to Crooks and Liars and watch Keith Olbermann yet again disembowel Bill O'Reilly. Good stuff.
8) Speaking of which, on last night's Daily Show, we got this gem from Jon Stewart: "We don't torture, we freedom tickle."
9) It gets me every time that the lying fuckhead in the oval office gives someone (a wildly moving TV camera, the Democratic Party) the look that says "Man, I wish I could just yell 'off with his head' and have someone die. I should have that power." There is no doubt in my mind that that's what he's thinking.
10) If you haven't yet, go find "Brokeback to the Future." Trust me.