Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Go away

I mean it. Go away.


drmagoo said...

Well, unlike other Democrats, at least he has a semblance of a spine. I just wish he'd shown it in 2004, when it mattered.

Peter said...

That's what makes me angry, Doc. He had his chance and let the Bushies manhandle him.

From the other side of town said...

Spine? Spine? If you count stubbornly holding to a bad campaign strategy a spine, then maybe, but then again the strategy was spineless because it did not contest areas that may have held sway. And who ever heard of a decorated war hero ducking the fight over the legitimacy of his medals? Damn straight “Just go away.”

Anonymous said...

Yes, Kerry needs to go away. And anybody and everybody named Clinton needs to go away. The democrats desperately need new blood to give hope to the base, and attract more from the vast middle. The right has abandoned all but the wingnuts, they should be ripe for the taking. But they are not because of this chump and all like him...