Monday, September 11, 2006

'Tis a serious day, but one quick dumbass

From Roger W. Peck of Long Grove, Illinois:

When I read some of the letters to this paper I despair for the future of this country. A recent one indicated that terrorists have the right to confront their accusers, see the evidence against them and the right to a speedy trial all in accordance with the Constitution. What the writer fails to grasp is that those rights are guaranteed to all citizens, not suspected terrorists. So unless, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed sneaks across the Mexican border, claims sanctuary in a Chicago church and that his mother is a U.S. citizen, he is entitled to none of the rights under our Constitution. It's sad when people are more concerned with the rights of terrorists than protecting this country from them.

I suggest that Roger should take a look at his constitution. The 4th amendment search and seizure provisions apply to "people," not "citizens." The 5th amendment due process/self-incrimination guarantees refer to "persons" as well, again, not "citizens" and the 6th, concerning confronting witnesses and rights to counsel, applies to ALL criminal prosecutions. Similarly, with regard to state action, the 14th also applies to "persons," not "citizens."

Roger, one quick suggestion:

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