Friday, September 08, 2006

And for no additional fee, they'll poke a sharp stick in your eye

While everyone's focused on the debacle that is ABC, has come up with it's own wonderful way to commemorate 9/11 on Monday. Starting at 7:30 am central time, they're going to stream their coverage from the day of the attacks. Relive every wonderful minute! It'll be just like it was on that happy, glorious day!

Rumors are that they're also starting up services where your former romantic partners will call you and remind you why they dumped you, former employers will show up at your house and fire you again, and funeral directors will disinter the remains of loved ones and plop them on your couch.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps CNN should "add" a section where Rumsfeld hands bin Laden a sack of money labelled "Halliburton trust fund" and points to a map explaining which buildings are the WTCs. I would be purely for artistic purposes.

Rousing Rabble said...

just another moment of docudrama fun from your friends at ABC...