Thursday, July 27, 2006

The text of the bill

This is the bill that Arlen Specter has told us that will be introduced to Congress regarding Presidential signing statements.

Title: To regulate the judicial use of presidential signing statements in the interpretation of Acts of Congress.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the “Presidential Signing Statements Act of 2006”.

Continued here, thanks to Talking Points Memo


Anonymous said...

This won't cut it. Specters bill would only be invoked if the Pres. was fighting a Congress of the opposite party.

Bush is circumventing the Constitution. He is violating his oath of office. He's creating his own set of "laws" violating my right to representation. What does it take to file treason charges?

Anonymous said...

Not Ned,
Get out the vote, brother.....a Democratic congress is the only sliver of hope we have on the impeachment issue.