Thursday, April 20, 2006

Two of these things belong together...

From the Chicago Tribune editorial discussing Fred Phelps and his hatemongers:

Plenty of exercises of free speech rights are bound to antagonize or even traumatize many people: Ku Klux Klan rallies are offensive to blacks, Nazis marching in Skokie to Jews, and Gay Pride parades to conservative Christians.

What? Let's see--the Klan tortured and killed blacks, the Nazis tortured and killed Jews, and the gays did WHAT to the "conservative Christians?"

Lynchings, gas chambers--and feather boas. Oh the humanity.

1 comment:

drmagoo said...

They're really quite threatening. One of the things I most love about arguments that conservative Christians give is that they're terrified that if people were exposed to ways of life which differ from theirs, there would be no way that people would stay Christian. Well now, doesn't that say a lot about your faith in the value of your religion, when just seeing someone behave differently can destroy your belief system?