Thursday, April 27, 2006

Outrage Overload Post

Note: The following contains no substantive content, I am on an outrage break.

I was reading one of my favorite (undisclosed) sites this morning when I saw that the president "could care" less about something. That one is on my list of grammar pet peeves, as that usage implies that the president does care (which of course, he doesn't--oh wait, that's outrage, sorry. Back to silliness)

Apostrophe abuse is another one of my favorite grammar gremlins. You have seen restaurant signs that say "Semi's Welcome." A fine fellow known to many team members here always gives us a hearty greeting of "Hey guy's!"

Semi's what? Guy's what? That usage is possessive, not plural!! It drives me crazy.

Any others? Comments are appreciated, but if you don't, I could care less, irregardless.


schmidlap said...

I hate it a lot when people write "alot" as one word.

drmagoo said...

I've always hated the "could care less" phrase as well.

I can't stand it when someone will refer to a struggling sports team or athlete and say that they need to become "untracked".

Anonymous said...

I could care less, a lot less. My grandmother cared "alot" and would chastize those using "got" in any contexts. That's what being an English teacher will do to you.

I personally can't stand the mixing of they're, there and their or too, to and two... So their, I got you're point, thank's alot! ;^)

Rousing Rabble said...

The use of "that" instead of who drives me completely insane (and as a junior high teacher, I see it all too often)

"I like to be around people that agree with me."

Anonymous said...

What about "goes" or "went" instead of "said?"

And then Jane goes, "well, you know, the mall closes in an hour."