Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Wishing You a Merry Fitzmas!

Thanks BartCop!


Rousing Rabble said...

For some time I've been mulling over just how "Scooter" could have realistically gotten Plame's name from anyone ASIDE from Dick Cheney. It seemed ludicrous to me that a reporter/journalist could have known independent of top-secret clearance (notwithstanding the bizarre assertion made by Judith Martin that SHE had security clearance when she was inbedded...sorry, embedded with the military). So this narrowed the field quite substantially. I figured that maybe 4 people in the whole government had BOTH the clearnace and the MOTIVE to "out" Plame: Rove, Cheney, Chimpy, and Card. I figure card is a technocrat who doesn't make an iarline reservation without an OK from Cheney or Rove. Chimpy may have wanted it done, but he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would dirty his own hands. That leaves Rove and Cheney. I figure that Rove MAY have called the play, but Cheney is just the kind of guy to execute it. He's been a hatchet man going all the way back to the Nixon era. He's the worst kind of political animal - one who sees only greed and self-interest as the logical ends of political involvement. In my mind it's why he (and men like Rumsfeld) has moved so easily between the boardroom and the corridors of political power.

This bastard is going to go down in a spectacular flaming death spiral, mostly because he'll NOT ever admit that he did anything wrong.

Peter said...

Well said, Rousing, and welcome back!