H. 107 To define marriage for all legal purposes in the District of Columbia to consist of the union of one man and one woman.I know that Congress has authority over the district, but they have a LOCAL government that deals with these things. However, she must have acted because the wedding of Ed and Ted or Jane and June are the most important social problems facing the district. Never mind guns, drugs or school problems in D.C., we MUST stop homosexual nuptials!
It is odd though--Rep. Jo doesn't live in the district. Why should she care? Before ye of little faith think, though, that these are just GOP talking points, note that this is one powerhouse representative who has previously introduced crucial legislation calling for the James River to be named "America's Founding River." [editor's note: I've always felt the James has been slighted.]
And just one quick note on Rep. Jo. Besides winning the Joan Collins Over Made-Up Hag Award
we should point out this little factoid--she "attended" Hampton Roads Business College. We all know what "attended" means--she didn't finish. So to the fine folks of Virginia's 1st Congressional district, your representative is a typing school dropout!