Friday, January 27, 2006

Now I get it!!

I've spent the past three days trying to digest the historic election in Palestine. This vote was supposed to be part of a larger effort in the McLair/Vader Junta's Mid-East & Islamic democracy initiative. However, as best as I can tell, the Junta is not pleased by the Hamas electoral victory, as this officially designated "turrist" organIzation now has an official seat at the table in all discussions dealing with Israel and the peace process. I have to wonder how the NeoCons didn't see this coming. I mean, it's not as if Hamas didn't do extremely well in recent local elections, and their message of forcibly challenging Israel and the US at every point of contention had to play well with the mostly poor, uneducated and disenfranchised Palestinian/Islamic electorate.

So, where are we now? As best as I can tell, the Iraqis have elected an anti-US government that is getting ready to align itself with an "Axis of Evil" star (Iran). We are STILL trying to get out from under an insurgency that is killing, on averge, 2 US soldiers per DAY (not to mention all those luckless local pedestrians in Baghdad and environs). And now we've spent nearly a half-billion dollars in Palestine to elect a government actively opposed to our policies.

The punchline to all of this is found in a Chicago Tribune piece today:

It is the (McLiar/Vader Junta) administration's hope that the responsibility that comes with power... will change Hamas."

Uh huh.


Peter said...

Anonymous, why don't you tell us how you really feel?

I would disagree with you to the extent that this election creates a national terrorist "entity" and puts a "national face" on terror. However, I do agree that it is a sea change and I know not its direction.

Thank you for your passion, and please visit again.



Rousing Rabble said...

I share Peter's view of your passion, but I too feel that you overestimate the extent to which Hamas' victory in the Palestinian election puts a national face on terror. Most of the undereducated and desperate people recruited by Hamas (and al Quaeda and Hezbollah for that matter) are still lying in the weeds, just as they were before the election. All of the technologial advantages of Israel haven't and won't stop determined suicide bombers from strapping it on and blowing up luckless pedestrians.

schmidlap said...

Major snaps to RR for the 'Dan reference!

Agents of the law
Luckless pedestrians
I know you're out there
With rage in your eyes and your megaphones

Anonymous said...

Got a case of dynamite,
I could hold out here all night...

The fact is now that terrorists actually have a representative territory to govern - something to-date not seen...sure, you could say Lybia and Syria are terrorist states, but, technically, they aren't because their governments, though run by tyrants or thugs, are not specifically terrorists. In Hamas, we have an actual government whose charter represents the stated desire for the destruction of another government and its people. When Hamas decides to act, violently, it crosses its Rubicon toward it's territory's demise. What I mean is that Israel has the right (by diplomacy of war) to wage war and take back the lands that it gave up in its efforts for peace. If Hamas sues for peace - they will have to renounce a lot besides their stated desire to obliterate Israel.

Chaps, in a manner of speaking, this is the end of times!

Rousing Rabble said...

Thanks to Schmidlap for the snaps (my favorite childhood candy). I'm a huge fan of "Don't Take Me Alive."