Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Damn you, Kim Jong Il!

Damn you for your timing and your cruel sense of irony.

The timing is obvious, as our North Korean friend has knocked creepy Republicans off the front page. The ironic effect, though, is much more painful. An educated America should say "this represents another failure of the Bush administration. He rejected the Clinton approach of engagement and monitoring for for one that isolated and antagonized the regime. The president did nothing over the last five years as Kim became more publicly belligerent, announcing each step and seeing no response. Now he takes this fateful move at a time when the United States, due to presidential incompetence and malice, is stretched too thin and lacks sufficient international prestige to rationally respond."

But, alack and alas, we do not live in an educated, thoughtful America. We dwell in Retard America, which will inhale through its mouth and cry, "Protect us, Mr. Preznit!"

Good God.

And isn't it remarkable that each of the arms of the "axis of evil," Iran, Iraq ann North Korea, are a greater threat to us now than when the preznit first spoke those words?


schmidlap said...

I thought that at first too, Pete. But the way this has unfolded so far is surprising me a little. It seems to me even the sheeple are thinking more along the lines of "here's ANOTHER screwup on your watch" and less along the lines of "baaa! saaaaave me! baaaaaa!"

I wonder if der Chimpenfürher has finally jumped the shark for good?

Anonymous said...

Meh I say.
Yeah, North Korea might have "the bomb" but until a country non-sympathetic to the current American administration says it was a nuclear device I'll call bluff. A 1K-ton blast worth of conventional explosives is a big bang but certainly a doable thing for a crackpot to try and win concessions with.
Of course I have long held the view that once fissionable material starts being hurled with purpose it won't truly matter who screwed up first.
If the media hypes it as "N. Korea has Nukes!! Be AFFRAID!" before it's completely confirmed then shame to all (again) for buying or being sold into it

Rousing Rabble said...

Nicely played anon! Don't be a stranger