Saturday, September 30, 2006

I'm sure it's worthless, but a letter to Tim Johnson, R-IL

Congressman Johnson,

We write you tonight regarding the seemingly expanding scandal surrounding your former colleague, Mark Foley. There are extraordinarily disturbing reports that the GOP House leadership, including the Speaker of the House and fellow Illinois representative, Dennis Hastert, knew that Foley had engaged in inappropriate behavior. If Congressman Hastert, Congressman Boehner, or anyone else knew that there were allegations, and chose not to investigate the situation further, they are guilty of putting the welfare of minors at risk. We hope that you and your fellow representatives will put party aside and recognize that no seat in Congress is so sacred that it should be used to protect those who prey upon children.

Anyone who participated in any coverups, decisions to protect Mr. Foley, or who willfully chose not to investigate in this situation does not deserve to be in our government. You owe the country better than that.

We don't expect better, but you owe it to all of us nonetheless.


Anonymous said...

The phrase "criminal indifference" comes to mind, however I fear that, like the catholic priests, these beasts fall under a different set of rules.

Anonymous said...

"We're going to get to the bottom of this, the leadership is, and that's very important because we need to make sure the page system is one in which children can come up here and work and make sure they are protected," Bartlett (White House Counsel) said.

Hmm, sounds like the way they got to the bottom of the Plame leak.