Tuesday, August 08, 2006

CT-Senate may be a taste of November...

If anybody has any time today (and hell knows I don't but I'm getting caught up in the moment), you really should be watching events unfold in Connecticut. Ned Lamont, who came from nowhere to give Bush kisser Joe Lieberman a real fight is locked in a neck and neck battle.

Joe's campaign website went down (www.joe2006.com) and they're blaming Lamont's supporters for a denial of service attack on the server. There are some really damn bright people at Dailykos and MyDD disproving and fighting it as best as they can right now.

The media is once again portraying Joe as the victim...Joe isn't the victim; he's been the one on the assault by being the guy who supports the President on Iraq, wouldn't help in blocking the Alito nomination and in general, giving away the farm and our way of life.

Bugger him, bugger his incumbent ilk and go, Ned, go.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Why do you hate our freedom?

As head neocon Bill Kristol writes, "That is the meaning of Connecticut Democrats' likely repudiation of Joe Lieberman. What drives so many Democrats crazy about Lieberman is not simply his support for the Iraq war. It's that he's unashamedly pro-American."