Sunday, July 09, 2006

And we wonder why the cost for the Iraq war is so high?

Perhaps it's because kind, generous souls like Bruce Hopfengardner are busy lining their pockets with largess. Of course, in the grand scheme of things, he's only a tiny fish to get caught, enough tiny fish sure to make a large mass, a la sardines or alewives.

To excerpt:

Documents filed Friday in U.S. District Court said that Hopfengardner will plead guilty to conspiring with Philip H. Bloom, a U.S. citizen with businesses in Romania; Robert J. Stein, a former Defense Department contract official; and others to create a corrupt bidding process that included the theft of $2 million in reconstruction money.

Apparently between Hopfengardner, Bloom and Stein (sounds like a tax-law firm, doesn't it?), they managed to find a way to steer contracts in the direction of Bloom in exchange for (surprise, surprise), cash, gifts, jewelry, vehicles and some private Ya-Ha time with some, ummm...'entertainers' at Bloom's villa in Baghdad. Of course, just to 'keep it below the radar', everything was under $500,000 because that's all the authority Stein had to approve.

Excuse me, am I the ONLY one who doesn't seem to think that the words 'villa' and 'Baghdad' should be allowed to be used in the same sentence? Why not just use the phrase 'luxurious Siberian resort and spa' while you're at it? I'm sure that's how Mikhail Khordorkovsky feels about HIS accomodations, couresty of "Pootie-Poot" and the Russian government.


Anonymous said...

I actually know this idiot. I was unfortunate enough to have to serve with him at Fort Bliss, TX right upon returning from Iraq. I asked him what he did there. He said, "killed terrorists." Had he not outranked me, (Not by much. I am a field grade officer too.) I felt like saying. OK, what did you really do?

He was a slefish pig. He will get exactly what he deserves. Oh, BTW, he was a Chief of Polic for an Indian reservation in California. Says a lot about law enforcement doesn't it.

Anonymous said...

This conduct, esp. with Lt. Col's, is treason and should carry the same punishment. Have we gone mad !