Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Not entirely sure what to say

I visit here a lot, but haven't posted much in the last few days. Part of that is because I've been seriously way too busy, but part of it is that I run into these times every so often where it's hard to talk about political issues. It's hard to be that angry all the time, and sometimes, despite all of the reasons I have to be just skull-splittingly furious about Chimpy or Dick or the war or neocons or right-wing talk radio or anti-abortion/pro-gun/anti-freedom fascists, I just can't do it. It's exhausting. I hope that, every so often, what I do does some good - that when I write my Senators and Representatives that somehow, my opinion helps weigh the count one way or the other. Or that someone, somewhere, hears or reads one of my arguments and changes their viewpoint, just a little. Or that eventually, perhaps after many years, the things I say and the things those who think like I do say will sink in just enough, and people will start opening their eyes.

And sometimes we start to see a glimmer. The President hasn't polled out of the thirties within his own family in ages, for example. He'd have to personally capture Osama bin Laden hiding in every person's closet to win another election. But he's not running ever again. As ZuZu's petals pointed out below, the party we'd like to support just hasn't stepped up. I don't really know why. I've heard talk that they're trying to play by the 1994 playbook, when the Contract on America didn't get released until September. But what the country desperately needs them to do is lead. I think what they're afraid of is if they try to lead, and fail, they'll lose seats in November. And that's probably true. But if they succeed, if somehow something gets better between now and then - whoa - they fill a void the country is begging for, and the elections go heavily their way.

Any bets on whether or not they have the guts to take that risk?

1 comment:

Peter said...

I know the feeling, Doc, sometimes you are just numbed by it all. Ninety percent of the troops believe Hussein was involved in 9/11, we go from spy planes returned by China like so many Legos to My Pet Goat to illegal wars to hooker reporters to congressional corruption to Blasty McBirdshot and no one seems to care.