Sunday, February 12, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mr. President


drmagoo said...

Now would you please rise from the dead and beat the living crap out of those who've taken the name of your party but represent nothing but greed, lies, corruption, and murder? Sometime in my life I'd like to go to the voting booth feeling like I have a choice, not just voting for the Democrat to prevent any more Republicans from ever representing me in government.

Anonymous said...

Greed, lies, corruption, and murder. Lincoln's forte. He had it coming.

drmagoo said...

Ah, that must be one of our libertarian friends suggesting that the murder of a president was justified. Good day to you, anonymous cur.

Peter said...

Libertarian or unredeemed Confederate, perhaps!

drmagoo said...

Well, true. Or Trent Lott.

Anonymous said...

Or Tom DeLay

Or Rick Santorum

Or Denny Hastert

Or Boehner, Hutchinson, Sessions, Coleman, nauseum

Anonymous said...

Spread Santorum.