Sunday, May 17, 2009

Your Armchair Movie Critic

If you liked the book, you'll hate the movie. If you didn't read the book, you will be underwhelmed by the movie.


L said...

Ah, man! Bummer.

drmagoo said...

As soon as I saw that they were chasing a "vial of anti-matter," I wrote it off.

Carlos said...

It's an absurd fantasy. What makes the Knights Templar and the 'Illuminati' such commercial cash cows?

Peter said...

Sure it's absurd fantasy, that is what makes Dan Brown successful. He is that not-so-odd combination of a great storyteller coupled with a crappy writer. That is why his books are meant to be digested in paperback on a plane or on the beach.

That said, Ron Howard has made two TERRIBLE movies out of beach read potboilers. The scriptwriters change the plot in inexplicable ways, and his heavy-handed and clumsy direction (we're in a race against the clock. Something VERY important is happening within a few minutes, but first, let me give you a long lecture on church history.)