Sunday, November 19, 2006

John, why the long face?

No, no, no, a thousand times NO
WASHINGTON - Massachusetts Democratic Sen. John Kerry said Sunday he is still considering a second run for the White House in 2008, despite public criticism of what he has has called a “botched joke” about the Iraq war.


Anonymous said...

The Dems need a PR team to come up with a slogan Kerry can understand... something like, "Just say no."

I think we've had enough of Presidents who mis-speak and botch jokes. Our next President has to nail the punch line and just be down-right funny. They need to tell the jokes, not be the butt of them.

Sorry John, you're just not the person to the next President.

Anonymous said...

Please don't run, John.

I still maintain that the Dems should run someone who is a) not in congress, and b) not from New England.

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea Jimbow8.

Perhaps Bill Richardson? Tough to come out of a sparse state like N.M. but he has the resume.

He could easily go for a ride as V.P. when Kerry/Gore/Clinton/Obama fall short of the Whitehouse.

So how do you rank the possibility of success for Clinton, Obama, Kerry or Gore? I'd say Kerry and Gore would lose solid, Clinton would barely lose and since Clinton won't let Obama run before her it's a moot point.