Saturday, September 09, 2006

Should I have a shot of conspiracy?

I know what I'm doing on Monday--I have a deadline to get the updated edition of one of my page-turning books off (I think I want Brad Pitt to play "Audit Committee"). Even if I wasn't under an editorial deadline, though, I would have no desire to wade through all the crap that day will produce on the glowing box.

I have not yet come to my conspiracy theory conclusion. There are many unanswered questions--why weren't fighters scrambled? (they were when Payne Stewart's plane became the deep freeze?) Why are there no pictures of a plane about to hit THE PENTAGON--one of the most secure buildings on the planet? And, excuse me for asking--where are the planes?

But when I return to rationality, I recall that this is the most incompetent bunch of bungling boobs to ever take up residence on that end of Pennsylvania Avenue. Everything they have touched has turned to crap, disaster after disaster. There is no way these ham-handed buffoons could have pulled this off--right? Right?


drmagoo said...

I make it a point to never believe conspiracy theories.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the notion that Islamic fundamentalists flew planes into buildings a conspiracy theory?

schmidlap said...

Occam's Razor: given multiple explanations for something, the simplest one is likely true.

To me, the "conspiracy theory" explanation is at least an order of magnitude more complex than the common one, especially given how inept these guys have proven at everything else they've done for the last 6 years.

The other thing is that someone would have leaked by now.