Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The latest CBS poll

Note Doc's post above about the CBS poll and the 34% approval rating.

What I want to know is...who are these 34%? So I have narrowed it down, I think, with one more poll question.

If you continue to support the president, please identify which statement below best describes you:

I am

a) a billionaire CEO who (like Ebenezer Scrooge) believes that the poor should die quickly to "decrease the surplus population;"

b) a simplistic fool fascinated by small shiny objects;

c) a religious fanatic who decides not to mow the lawn today because "the rapture's a'comin" [NOTE--one can be BOTH (b) and (c)--and (d) for that matter!]


d) Laura Bush.


ZuZu's Petals said...

You forgot (d)..An insane FMR religious fanatic, which could be (b), I know, but not all fools impressed by shiny objects are that religious.

Peter said...

Post changed to reflect the excellent observation above!

ZuZu's Petals said...

I never cease to be amazed at those who truly believe that GW Bush is in the White House because he was chosen by God to be there. I know it's not anyone's place to judge another's heart, but I swear that guy is about as "Christian" as Scott Petersen..w/o the dead wife, of course.

If I hear one more time, "But, he's such a honest, decent man", I'm gonna puke.

Anonymous said...

If you look back at the beginnings of mass Christianty (especially that really big church in Rome), you'll see a history of hierarchy positions being absolutely for sale, regardless of the the purchaser's religious beliefs, criminal history or twisted sexual preferences. In other words, no boundaries for the well-connected. Sound familiar?